Tag Archives: Red Onion Shampoo

Does Red Onion Oil Regrow Hair?
Having a bad hair day is something nobody wishes to have – no matter what their gender is. That frizzy, lifeless mess holds the power to ruin your morning and sometimes a whole day. What’s more terrifying than all this is when your hair stops growing. And a mix of these problems can add up […]

Sulfate shampoo VS Sulfate-free shampoo which one is better?
Most of the hair care products in the market these days promote themselves as sulfate-free. The term has become quite popular amongst brands as well as consumers. However, have you ever thought about what does sulfate-free actually means? How different they are from sulfate-containing products, and what are their benefits? Well, if you have not, […]

How to take care of your hair in Winter
How to take care of your hair in Winter Winter is just around the corner, which means sitting in your house in a cozy blanket and enjoying yummy dark chocolate along with it. Winter also means saying goodbye to damage caused by the sun rays. However, the arrival of winter brings its own set of […]