Category Archives: Facial Care
What is the USP of Vitamin C serum – How to use it?
Ever wondered why Vitamin C is now the main ingredient in every skincare product? It’s one of the holy grails you can literally see anywhere. And the major reason behind this is the antioxidants it is power packed with. From slowing down an individual’s aging process to adding instant glow to any skin type, Vitamin […]
5 Habits of People With Great Skin
Do you ever look at people around or celebrities and wonder how they have such great skin? It’s simple, they have certain skincare habits that they religiously follow. It’s not the expensive skin care products but the habits that differentiate them from the rest of the world. If you’re interested in knowing what they do, […]
Daisy Flower Extract for Skin
Daisies are cheerful, bright, and easy to grow. The flower is known as Bellis Perennis and has been a part of the skincare routine for ages. Though we have plenty of skincare products available in the market, daisy flower extracts stand out because it is non-toxic and skin-friendly. They are famous for their medicinal properties […]
Is Kumkumadi Oil Good for the Face?
Our skin needs nourishment, just as the rest of the body needs. Due to the excessive amount of pollution, stress, and unhealthy lifestyle, the skin is constantly suffering and facing problems. It needs the power of nature to fight back and stay healthy. Kumkumadi Oil is one of the best natural solutions to all your […]
How To Use Ylang Ylang Essential Oil For Better Health?
The essential oil of Ylang-Ylang is derived by steam distilling the flowers of the plant. These flowers have a golden colour and are star-shaped. The fragrance intensity of the oil produced varies. The extraction process splits them into grades based on the order in which they are carried out. It is said that the oil […]
Kansa wand: The Ayurveda-approved skincare tool
Ayurveda has all the answers – sometimes in the form of herbs, sometimes as metals. One such wonder is “Kansa”. Kansa (AKA Bell Metal) is a blend of copper and tin. For ages, Kansa is used by humans to create holistic wellness. We use this metal for creating utensils, storing water, and for massages. For […]
All You Need To Know About The Wonder Ingredient Retinol!
If you are into skincare for quite a long period, you have undoubtedly heard the word Retinol. It’s a buzzword nowadays, and to be honest, the results retinol is showing after application, it completely deserves the buzz. Be it issues like uneven skin tone, clogged pores, wrinkles, or loss of firmness, retinol is the ultimate […]
What does Vitamin C Serum do for your skin?
Best Essential Oils for Women’s health
The liquid extract of a plant is known as its Essential Oil. Essential oils can be extracted by various plants and are called by the name of the plant such as Lavender Essential Oil is called so because it is extracted from lavender. These oils are also known as Volatile oils and ethereal oils. Most […]